Picnic on the banks of the Main

Hotel: Essential by Dorint Frankfurt | Niederrad

For true Frankfurters, the Main is much more than a simple river: it was the discovery of a crossing by Charlemagne that gave the city its name as the "Ford of the Franks", a crucial lifeline that allowed it to grow into an important trading center and gave it wealth and splendor - so it's hardly surprising that life still rages here today, that the magnificent river is the place where the imperial city's inhabitants gather and live, and that it has a very special place in their hearts.

On its banks, you can breathe in the true Frankfurt lifestyle without a care in the world, while the magnificent ships of the "White Fleet" pass you by and the bustling city life bustles along its promenade. The best way to enjoy this unique atmosphere is with a cozy picnic right on the banks of the Main. Our #HotelHeroes will pack you a picnic basket full of delicacies so that you can indulge in your own enjoyment without further ado: House wine, mineral water, crispy filled baguettes, tomato mozzarella, freshly harvested grapes, fruit, yogurt and sweets ensure that you will want for nothing.

Simply lean back on your picnic blanket, reach into the bulging basket and enjoy the wonderful delicacies of Frankfurt as a couple - we are sure that you too will be enchanted by the unique aura of our Main.

Included services

  • 2 nights including breakfast
  • Filled picnic basket for 2 people
  • House wine, mineral water, crispy multigrain baguette topped with French brie and cucumber, marinated tomatoes with mozzarella, freshly harvested grapes, sun-ripened melon pieces, fruit yoghurt, muesli bars & jelly babies

Additional services

Availability: All year round

Duration of experience: 2 nights, 3 days

Prerequisites: Minimum age: 18 years
Advance booking period: 2 days

Cancellation conditions: Can be canceled free of charge up to 2 days before the start of the experience


Booking period: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Travel period: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025


Minimum length of stay: 2 Nights

Advance booking period: 2 Days

from €119,00
per person in a double room

from €179,00
per single room

is offered at the following hotels: Essential by Dorint Frankfurt | Niederrad,

Book arrangement now

The validity and, if applicable, the general conditions are automatically taken into account when a booking is made using the form above.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please call us at +49 69 663060 or you can send us an e-mail to info.frankfurt-niederrad@dorint.com.

at Essential by Dorint Frankfurt | Niederrad

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